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The Problem and the Solution

By Laura Schaefer

You know you have a book in you. You dream of creating a book that will persuade people--that will help them in concrete ways by communicating the mindset, techniques and specific approaches that have taken you so far in your field. You want to save people from the mistakes you made. A book can do this.

A good book can also open doors in your own business--doors to new clients, to publicity and speaking opportunities. A book is a powerful thing to offer up to the world and to your community.

The problem, however, is there's simply no time to organize your thoughts and set aside the hours it will take to bring the project to fruition.

A book, even a short 100-pager, takes significant time and attention. It takes skill to complete and to polish. A book requires high-level experience that can cut through the fluff, get to the point, and make your ideas flow in a way that carries readers right along to the end. A book project, ideally, requires that you design chapters with a clear focus and helpful take-aways or action points.

Imagine what this kind of book could do for your business. Just imagine.

What is the first thing you would do if you had such a book? Would you print a thousand copies and send them to everyone you know? Would you sell your book at your next speaking engagement, or give it to all attendees to really wow them? Would you use your book to strengthen the impact of your next training or consultation? Would you give it to your children?

Spend some time thinking about this. Actually creating the book is only one half of the equation. The power of the book comes in the form of your plan for it. It's a tool to differentiate yourself in a world where absolutely everyone has a website and a Facebook page. Not everyone has a book, and no one has the book you're capable of writing.

But the problem remains: time.

I'm here with a solution. Me. You know that straight-A student who always got her work done on time and even did the extra credit? That's me. I am here to do your homework for you. I like doing homework. Okay, not all homework. Please do not send me your accounting problems.

But I really, really love books. Reading them, talking about them, organizing them, asking the questions that will make them better. I like people with big ideas and stories to share.

So, if you have a book in you but you don't have the time to actually make it happen, you need to hire yourself a straight-A student from the Midwest who wants to help.

Let's have some fun. Let's write your book! Drop me a line and we will figure out next steps, together.

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