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Nine out of ten people dream of writing a book.

Only one in a thousand see that dream come true.

When was the last time you thought about your list, that handful of items you promised yourself you’d accomplish before it's too late?


On just about everyone’s list is writing a book. Only most people never start. Fewer start but don’t finish. An even smaller number get to the end, then put the manuscript in a drawer where it sits for decades. And finally, a tiny, tiny fraction write and publish their book for the world to read.

The absence of progress isn’t for lack of trying or passion or skill or time or even understanding the mechanics of writing a book. Bookstores are crammed with how-tos and advice from authors and guides for dummies.

What makes the book writing process so hard is doing it all by yourself. 

In a way, the process is so dispiriting most never begin.  


“I started to write my book several times. Yet, each time I had a constant feeling of uncertainty and anxiety. I had so much information that I found it difficult to figure out what goes where.” 

–Dr. Mike Barnes, Professor, Chief Clinical Officer

Life Lessons

Imagine for a moment that you had a ghostwriter working in the background . . .

. . . a writer listening to your stories and practical insights and then turning those experiences into a compelling manuscript.

Better, imagine that the result emphasizes the turning points of your life, what you’ve learned on your unique path, and highlights those lessons for readers to take in.


Your book isn’t just a personal narrative, a dry biography of dates and places, but something far more. Its purpose is to connect the dots of this world and all its challenges so others can learn from your successes. And failures. Readers love failures.


I think of these as “life lessons” books, and in my world they’re the only stories worth telling. 


From the time I was young, I sought out these sorts of books and the wisdom therein. In fact, I’m so obsessed with what other nurturing souls and contrarian mavens have learned on their life’s journey that I’ve made uncovering these lessons, and writing about them, a career. 


So how does all this apply to you?

Say you’re a successful art collector from New York City like one of my recent clients.

You want to share the ups and downs of your decision-making process, as well as some steady north star navigation, with family and students and founders. We talk via Zoom for several weeks, and I point out a few patterns or fundamental principles I see in your stories and choices. You don’t see the patterns because you’re too close.


And yet within these patterns are guideposts others can apply to their own life and work. 

Together we write an engaging 250-page book that tells a personal story and at the same time highlights a handful of takeaways.

The outcome isn’t an advice book so much as a valuable collection of useful touchstones that leaves readers wanting more, and the narrator—you—telling the story in the voice of a sage, a wise and knowledgeable connector, standing in the fullness of your gifts and experiences.


The initial feedback is just what we expected with phrases like “this book is so inspiring,” and “worth the read,” and “fascinating,” and “really made me think.” Your partner is overjoyed. They love the all the connections and full-circle feel.


In just a few short months, you have a polished manuscript in your hands ready for publication. You feel expansive.


Sure, you could have written the book without my help. But why torture yourself? Working as partners we complete the manuscript faster, with a focus on conveying real-world insights in a clear structure that keeps readers engaged. The best part? We do it together.

Suddenly, writing a book is less of a chore and far more fun.

We, you and I, find common ground—a shared interest in storytelling and art and meaning and forward thinking and the impact our lives and our work has on others. Our weekly calls have a touch of alchemy to them. Together we do a bit of mind reading with respect to what your readers truly love and the lessons they definitely seek.

In a matter of months, you’ve checked off one of the most intimidating and meaningful items on your bucket list. 


You’ve written your legacy book.

"I wanted to write my book for over 20 years. In that time, I worked with other ghostwriters, but none captured my vision and my voice until I found Laura. To top it off, we finished the manuscript in record time."

Randy Haveson, M.A., President of the RISE Organization


About Me.

I’m Laura Schaefer, a professional ghostwriter---and the only writer I know who focuses solely on magical -- yet practical -- life lessons books.

After college, I attended the University of Wisconsin Writers’ Institute where I learned that our stories and the lessons we take away are inextricably connected. In fact, a story without an accompanying insight is no story at all.  

Later, I published my first book, wrote an op-ed for The New York Times, and was interviewed on Good Morning America.

I spent the next fifteen years in the traditional publishing world, authoring three books published by Simon & Schuster. Today, I live in Florida and ghostwrite books for global clients looking for more than a tell-all, a biography or a memoir, but a personal narrative imbued with the lessons of a lifetime.


Writing is my profession, but deep down, I get a kick out of working with people like you, successful artists and contrarian thinkers with a story to tell, people I admire and learn from. 


Some recent book projects include a story about making quantum leaps rather than incremental improvements, a new take on building wealth, work-life integration, and unlocking the secret forces that affect our lives. 

Book Cover: I've Never Made Anyone Rich by M. Scott Brown
Book Cover: The New Golden Rule by Emily Golden
Book Cover: I Know by Michael S. Seaver
The Balance Between Hustle and Flow by Theo Prodromitis

These books cover a lot of ground because each author has walked a singular path, often taking a rambling route to success and fortune and in the process gleaned a pocketful of lessons—about understanding and judgement and enlightenment and let’s not forget money and economics and work—others can integrate into their own lives.


“Without Laura’s guidance, I would have procrastinated for years. I would have made numerous unnecessary mistakes, and likely never finished the book on my own. The words and thoughts are mine, but much better presented thanks to her guidance. Can’t recommend her enough.” 

—Scott Brown, Financial Advisor

“Laura Schaefer is a true model of what it looks like to work in one's zone of genius.” 

—Emily Golden, MCC


“Laura makes the intangible tangible. She has a mid-western work ethic I admire. If you’re considering partnering with a ghostwriter, I highly recommend her.”

—Michael S. Seaver, Leadership Coach, Speaker, Author


“Her experience and unbridled optimism make Laura Schaefer a unique partner. She challenged me to convey every ounce of my passion. I look forward to our next book project together.”

—Theo Prodromitis, Marketing Strategist

Life As a Vacation by Craig Shawn Williamson
Hello Health by Pamela Barnill
Jab Till It Hurts by Ken Moscowitz
The Next Great Step by Beth Hendler-Grunt

Choose me as your literary co-conspirator.

If you got the impression all this talk of working together sounds complicated or cumbersome, you’re wrong.

Working with me is a pleasure precisely because I’ve simplified the book writing process into a handful of steps.


  • First, we talk on the phone about the broad strokes of the book project—length, theme, personal stories, and types of life lessons you want to share. We’ll use this initial conversation as an informal outline.

  • Next, we talk via telephone or Zoom. This is the fun part. During these sessions, you speak your book into existence.  


  • And finally, I write and deliver one chapter at a time. I prefer to work using a shared Google doc, a word processing tool we can both access online to make corrections and changes at any point in the process. Before you know it, you’ll reach the last page and the words The End.


Really, it’s that simple.


The entire collaborative book writing process takes ten months.

"Laura’s process is sharp and professional, and her work product excellent. I highly recommend her and look forward to working with her again." 

—Elizabeth Parsons, Founder & Principal, Zelinka Parsons

"I could not have written my book without Laura’s help. She is easy to work with and made the writing process feel effortless. She is responsive and far exceeded my expectations. If you're looking for a particular kind of ghostwriter, an insightful writer with a focus on the lessons learned, then you found her."

 —Beth Hendler-Grunt, Founder & President of Next Great Step LLC

What it costs.

They say the best investment you can make is in yourself.

Only they're wrong. 


The best investment you can make is in others—an investment in humanity. Isn’t that what your book is? A book of lessons for others to read and apply to their own lives, a sort of guidebook for a better life, a creative person's roadmap. 


You are one of the few with the time and means and intellect to produce a book that benefits others, your family and community, and with a little luck, everyone on the planet. 


Some would ask why do such a thing? Why spend the next ten months putting your ideas to paper if the real beneficiaries are an audience of readers you've never met? 


Because you think big. You are a bold person with a quiet and calm sense that now is the time.


You’ve led a successful life, earned some money, travelled enough, and built relationships with some influential people, people who have lent you a hand along the way. You've experienced the world in a way others haven't, learned a thing or two or three, and now you’re ready to pay it forward. 


And what better use of your precious energy than sharing your wisdom with the world?


You look forward to spending some of your time and resources producing a high-quality life lessons book, a book you wish you'd read twenty or thirty years ago, and the exact book the world needs today.


Here's my one bit of advice:


Choose the right ghostwriter. That writer is me.

My fee to ghostwrite a 250-page manuscript is $120,000 USD.


(By the way, you retain all rights and royalties.)


However, the fee isn't important. Not really. What's important is that you find an experienced writer to shepherd you through the book writing process, a writer who believes in you, and who knows that a life lessons book is the highest form of storytelling. Anyone can crank out 250 pages and call it a book. But only a handful of writers have the capacity and temperament to collaborate in the process, to work side by side for months to help you accomplish a goal of a lifetime.


You’ve thought about this book for years, decades maybe. You’ve been searching for the top ghostwriter for the book of your heart. Well, you found her. 


If you’ve read this far, you’re in. You’ve landed on my website for a reason. You and I are meant to write this book together. It is time to expand. I'm so glad!

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Contact Me.

So, what's next? You send me an email at


Go ahead a grab your phone. Reach out to me and let’s get started on what I believe will be an experience of a lifetime. The next move is up to you. The story unfolds now.


I'm looking forward to talking with you.


Laura Schaefer

Laura Schaefer LLC

Windermere, FL 34786


Thanks for emailing!

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